Monday, April 13, 2015

Fallen Brides: Mimiru — Build Up To a Wizard Fight

We're up to almost 10,000 words now. This is the part where the monsters really make their entrance, so the next update will begin the parts I imagine most of you have waiting for. Sorry for the somewhat inconsistent update schedule, but I'm currently in the thick of Seminar Paper Hell.

There isn't much to say as regards the translation this time around, except that I've opted to let musical notes replace punctuation (as they do in the Japanese) rather than follow it this time. It definitely looks better on paper, but let me know if it makes any lines harder to parse.

(Just so everyone is clear, the Pastebin link at the top of the post contains the text of the story.)

P.S. If anyone knows how to cut off how much of a Blogger post is displayed on the main page, please tell me. I'd like to post the full text here as well so that you can see the italics on Mimiru's internal monologue, but I don't want it to take up an inordinate amount of space for people who haven't clicked on the post.