Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fallen Brides Update: Tentacle Rape/Life Counselling Session

Here's another big update, which brings us to page 55 (27 left to go) and pretty much concludes the transformation scene.  At more than 23,000 words, the initial drafts of this translation now fill one and a quarter composition books.

I've decided to translate Baphomet Complex once this chapter is finished, then go on to Mimiru's chapter, and then alternate between the remaining chapters and the short stories from Diaries of the Age of Monster Love.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fallen Brides Update: Now With Tentacles

After much delay, here's the next part of Wilmarina's story.  The length of this installment, which brings us a bit past the halfway point, should hopefully do something to make up for it.  As the above image no doubt alerts you, Deruella makes her appearance in this section, and endeavors to compensate for her absence from the first thirty pages by sticking around the whole time.

Pastebin regrettably does not do perfect justice to Deruella's dialogue, which in the original is punctuated with hearts and musical notes.  I've converted the characters into symbols from the Japanese edition and you'll be able to see them once I've finished the draft and format an ebook version of it (this is also how I intend to handle the illustration).

I currently hope to get this first draft finished by the end of the month, and then move on to either the first story in Diaries of the Age of Monster Love or Baphomet Complex (which is by far the shortest of the books in my possession) before going back to do the second chapter of Fallen Brides, which is Mimiru's.

Additionally, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if anyone has already translated the short stories at the end of the two World Guides.  I know someone has done at least part of the guides themselves, but not if the stories were included in that.  If they weren't, I'll get around to them at some point.