Monday, May 11, 2015

Fallen Brides: Mimiru — Tentacles Again

My apologies for the long delay — seminar paper hell continues, but will shortly be at an end, and then I hope to make up for lost time. In the meantime, here's another 3,500 words or so. As you can probably guess from the title, this part concludes the wizard fight and brings us to the start of the transformation scene.

Now seems like a good time to explain my translation of spells. The name of each spell in the Japanese text consists of kanji expressing the spell's function, and furigana indicating an entirely different katakana reading. As I have been unable to find sources for most of these readings ("Electric Wall" is to be read "Ohm," which seems reasonable, and "Corrosion" is read "Fenrir," so they are likely not just fantasy gibberish, but aside from those two almost none resemble words in any language I know or yield search results on google or in dictionaries), and as the kanji often serve as the only explanation of a spell's function, I have elected to provide translations of the kanji names in my English text. I plan to add footnotes with the katakana readings in a future update.

The only other translation detail of note (minor spoiler) is that Mimiru's while socks are described as turning into a "deep green ooze," all other descriptions of this ooze have it as deep purple in color, and I have consequently altered the single instance of "green" under the assumption that it is an error.

Lastly, thanks to Dan, who offered some assistance with my apparent inability to read the Blogger interface, you can now read the story so far with correct formatting (including, most importantly, italics) after the break.