Saturday, November 8, 2014

Beyond the End 6

Sorry for the longish wait. This is the sixth Beyond the End ero-doujin by Setouchi, with chapters for Black Alice, Doppel-Luka, and Erubetie, plus a few bonus illustrations. It's not as long as some of the previous ones, but still longer than 5, and it lacks any kind of afterword or commentary from Setouchi.

Setouchi switched to a less redraw-friendly type of screentone for this one, so there are a couple places that may look spotty.

Expect BTE 7 to be translated before the end of this year. In the meantime, I've begun work on Mimiru's chapter of Fallen Brides, but I'm holding off on posting it until I have a substantial chunk to start you off with (probably a fifth to a quarter of the story, which is roughly the same length as Baphomet Complex).

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