First of all, I apologize for my prolonged absence. I'd meant to start posting this back in December, but I got very sick, and then a combination of grad school, video games, and work on scripts for the various manga scanlations I'm helping with kept me very busy for a while. I hope to resume weekly updates following this post.
Here are the first 4,000-odd words of my translation of Mimiru's chapter in Fallen Brides. I actually have a draft of nearly the entire chapter written out by hand, but typing it up and going over it to tighten up the translation and improve the flow of the English has been slower going than I'd anticipated.
As usual, there are no monsters this early in the story, which will probably disappoint several people, but they will be making their entrance earlier in this chapter than in Wilmarina's. This chapter also includes some description of what Deruella's invasion actually looks like, as well as an honest-to-goodness wizard fight (from which Nicholas Cage is regrettably absent).
Please note that italics and margins are actually semi-important to this chapter, so the Pastebin regrettably loses something of the original formatting. As usual, I will be releasing an ebook version of this translation once this draft is finished, and that will include both full formatting and images. A second draft of Wilmarina's chapter is still in the works.