Saturday, June 20, 2015

Fallen Brides: Mimiru — Even More Tentacles

Well, it's a little later than I'd planned, but here's another installment of Mimiru's story. This part finally brings the transformation scene to a close, and brings us close to the end of the chapter.

I'm now settled in Japan for the summer, and while my work here should keep me fairly busy, I expect to have this story finished before too long. The next chapter of Fallen Brides is Sasha, but I may make another detour into the other novellas before I start work on it. The short story at the end of Fallen Maidens is on the short side and adds another perspective to the Lescatié story, and I've also acquired a copy of the latest novella, After School Alice Tale, which deals with some of the Wonderland monsters and also has relatively short chapters. Let me know if you have a preference.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Fallen Brides: Mimiru — Literal Brain Rape

Well, that was another delay longer than I would have liked, but I have another 3,000+ words for you. There are now 15 pages left to go in this 50 page story.

This update finishes up the scene with Mimiru and Lucella from the end of the last one, and raises the question whether we will ever see a transformation scene that does not involve tentacles, despite a significant portion of both world guides being devoted to other weird things that turn people into monsters.

As for future updates, the pace really should pick up again this time. I do, however, leave in a little over a week to spend most of the summer doing research in Japan, so I can't say with certainty what that will do to my schedule yet. I'm hoping to get another short update up before I leave, and I'll try to acquire copies of the few MGE books that I still haven't got (including the new Wonderland-themed one) while I'm over there.

(text after the cut)