Sunday, December 24, 2017

World Guide II Short Story — Continuation

As promised, here's more of the short story at the end of MGE World Guide II. This is only a little more than half of the full story (about 7,500 words), but I hope you all enjoy it.

I intend to post at least a little more on New Years. I can't promise beyond that with much specificity, but I hope to give you the full translation by the end of January. I'm nearing the end of a large personal project that has been running behind schedule, but once that's finished I should have a little more time to devote to my translations here.

A special thank you to everyone who has continued to check this blog despite its prolonged lack of new content.

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Pre-Update Update

I am going to post another MGE translation (a continuation of one I began previously) on Christmas day. I hope to finish it on New Year's.

I realize it's been forever since I posted anything. Life's been a bit of a roller coaster and staying afloat has left me with less time than I'd like to dedicate to fan translations (and most of the time I do have gets eaten up by manga projects).

I can't promise a regular update schedule with everything on my plate right now, but I do still work on MGE translations in my free time and I plan to continue posting them as time allows.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Another Status Update

I'm really sorry this has taken so long. Basically everything — work, health, family, pets, total hard drive failure, etc. — went wrong in short succession and it's taken a lot longer than I hoped to recover from. Nonetheless, I am finally getting things back on track.

I'm currently prioritizing getting projects that I collaborate with other people on back up to speed so that I don't leave them hanging too long, but several of those are now nearing completion. A new MGE poll should be up within the month and, following that, a regular weekly translation schedule should resume.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Status Update

I realize it's been significantly longer than I promised in my last post. There have been unexpected real-life developments that leave me with less time than I would like for translation. They should not take me longer than a month or two to sort out, but I will have to cut down on my fan translation work until then.

I will still do more MGE translations, just not right now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — Almost There

This week's update is another short one because work has kept me busy. Next week's, however, will definitely finish Merce's story.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — Roughly 500 Words Between Sex Scenes

This week's update is on the short side again, partly because I still have daily snowfall and a very long set of front steps to shovel, and partly because my copy of Nioh (which I assume is considered highly offensive in MGE land) finally got here.

Enjoy a brief interlude after the last extended sex scene, a time skip, and then the start of a second extended sex scene.

I realize it's taken a while, but it will take at most two more updates to finish this chapter.

As always, all comments and corrections are appreciated.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — 70% Done

Today's update is short. A week of blizzards and a very long flight of front steps I have to keep clear have significantly reduced the free time I have to work on translations. This week does, however, finally reach the end of this sex scene. (It clocks in at just under 10,000 words.)

As usually, expect more next Wednesday. All comments and corrections are appreciated.

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — Continued

I'm now back from my trip with a late update of 2,500 words. Next week's update should be on Wednesday as usual.

The extended sex scene continues, but next week's update should bring us past it and into the final act of the chapter (although we still have about 20 pages to go).

As always, all comments and corrections are appreciated.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I will be away from my PC, and thus my books and files, until early tomorrow. As a result this week's update will be posted Thursday.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — Continued

This week's update is short (2,000 words) because work was keeping me busy. It's a continuation of the sex scene that started in last week's so there's not much else for me to say.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — Ratios

Here's this week's update of roughly 3,000 words. This brings us to the halfway point. (This is one of the longer chapters.) This section begins a sex scene which is about as long as the transformation scene was short.

As always, all comments and corrections are appreciated.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — A Very Speedy Transformation

Here's this weeks update, just in the nick of time. (Personal circumstances delayed me.) These 2,800-odd words bring us through the corruption/transformation scene, which is probably a disappointment to those of you who particularly look forward to those. We're still just shy of halfway done, however, so there are a lot of developments yet to come.

Expect a slightly longer section at a slightly earlier time next week.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Fallen Brides: Merce — Pre-Nerf Estoc

I had planned this weeks update to be a particularly long one because I basically finished one of my other big projects over the weekend, but then I had to spend a little over a day fixing my laptop, so it ended up being just 2,300 words. Expect a bigger chunk next week, circumstances permitting.

Merce's fight with Deruella occupies almost the entirety of this section. Expect the corruption scene to begin next week.

As always, comments and corrections are appreciated.

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