Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fallen Brides: Merce — You'd Think There Could Have Been SOME Attempt At Continuity

In case anyone missed my last post, this update is a day late because of a prolonged power outage.

Merce's story won the poll, so here's another 2,500 words of it. The plot is moving at a fairly brisk pace. I hope you all enjoy it.

As Always, comments and corrections are appreciated.

(Text after the cut.)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Brief Delay

Merce's chapter of Fallen Brides won the poll by a wide margin, so I'll continue translating that next. Both other choices will be on the next poll (which, for a bit of variety, will not have any Fallen Brides on it).

I had planned to post the second part of it earlier this afternoon, but there was no power on my street for most of the day, so I wasn't able to work in the morning. As a result, it will be up early Thursday afternoon instead. Future updates will continue on Wednesdays as usual.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A New Poll

Sorry this update is late. Between travel and the upcoming holidays, my schedule's been kind of a mess. I am, however, back with a new poll. As promised, it has three options: Merce's chapter of Fallen Brides; the World Guide II short from the last poll; and The Imperator Doesn't Sleep, a novella from the same author as Baphomet Complex. (Which I really need to put together a second draft of at some point.)

As before, I will post more of my translation of whichever story gets the most votes every Wednesday from now until it's finished. After that I'll make another poll. The next poll will include both stories that fail to win this one, as well as a new story. I'll be counting the votes next Monday morning.

I honestly wanted to include a larger section of Imperator and add somewhat to Hill. If I have time, I'll do another bit of each and update this post and the Pastebins Thursday night.

(Texts after the cut.)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fallen Brides: Ebook

This week's update isn't much. It's also early, because I'll be traveling for the rest of this week. Expect me back next Wednesday with the next poll and samples for all the stories on it.

In the meantime, ebook links are now in the sidebar to right. The version of Fallen Brides you see there is a new file with corrections, standardized terminology, illustrations and a linked table of contents. It includes all four chapters I have translated so far, and also "Until She Falls" as an appendix. I will update it with additional chapters as they are finished and add additional books to the sidebar as I get to them.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fallen Brides: Koyoi — Complete

Koyoi's chapter, totaling just over 17,000 words, is now complete. The text below includes the full story, with formatting, corrections, and the illustration.

Next week will be a fully formatted ebook (with a linked table of contents) of all the Fallen Brides stories so far. I may also post the new poll at that time, but it also might take another week for me to get all the samples ready.

The next poll will include the World Guide II story from the last poll, another Fallen Brides chapter, and a story from another book. If anyone has specific requests for what they want the latter two to be, feel free to post them in the comments and I'll consider them.

(Full text after the cut.)