Saturday, December 23, 2017

Pre-Update Update

I am going to post another MGE translation (a continuation of one I began previously) on Christmas day. I hope to finish it on New Year's.

I realize it's been forever since I posted anything. Life's been a bit of a roller coaster and staying afloat has left me with less time than I'd like to dedicate to fan translations (and most of the time I do have gets eaten up by manga projects).

I can't promise a regular update schedule with everything on my plate right now, but I do still work on MGE translations in my free time and I plan to continue posting them as time allows.


  1. Good to see you are not dead men, iw as starting to get worried

  2. It’s okay, not everything gets done when we want it too; we’re glad that you’ve taken to time to get your personal business done before taking time to do translations.
