Thursday, September 4, 2014

Baphomet Complex — New Update Schedule

In an effort to avoid my recent prolonged absences and also balance this with my graduate work, I'm adopting a new schedule of updates for these translation.  As of now, I will be posting whatever I have done every week rather than wait until I have a particular amount to post.  The updates will be smaller (this one is around 1,700 words instead of 3,000+), but they'll be more consistent and things should get done in a fairly timely manner.

This is another section in which I could spend pages just complaining about the prose, but at least we're past the entirely redundant descriptions, so I'll spare you my grumbling for the present.  Fortunately for all of us, Strange seems to have improved as a writer over time and most of their other novellas are at least slightly better paced and plotted than this one.


  1. Hope the new schedule works well for you. I look forward to the rest of Fallen Brides as well (assuming you will go back to it soon).

    1. I certainly plan to. We're going from this story about a girl turning into a baphomet to a somewhat shorter story about a more different girl turning into a baphomet. The one in Fallen Brides appears to have been written with slightly more eye to theme and structure, although we'll have to see how that works out.
