Thursday, December 4, 2014

Beyond the End 7

Well, travel and seminar papers made this later than I'd hoped, but here's Beyond the End 7, featuring Granberia and Sara. We are now caught up to the publication again.

As with the previous BTE, Setouchi's new tone is beyond my redrawing abilities in some places, but hopefully it shouldn't be enough to be distracting.

Expect more Fallen Brides later this month. Seminar papers are still eating up most of my time, but I still have a rough draft for the first twenty pages of Mimiru's chapter ready, so expect the first half of her chapter as a Christmas present. After that it will be back to weekly updates.


  1. Wow, this is far more vanilla than the other chapters. I like it.

  2. soon come out the v. 8 of mgg:bte... (or are the fist v. about paradox) here

  3. Hello! You could translate the Red Slime page of the offcial MGE I book Please!!! With the extra art!!!! ThankYou! ♥

  4. hey man if you're still alive, thanks for the translations!!!
    good luck IRL :)

  5. <- are come out!

  6. Forget the medic, someone call in an Amber Alert for OtherSide.

  7. guy's.. i am are a medic and hm are ded. bte 8 will newer been translated -plot twist song-
